Affordable ACT Prep Books
If our courses are not viable options, we can still help you find the best, most affordable test books for the ACT. New books are being published monthly. Be sure the copyright of any book you use is 2021 or 2022.
| The ACT is becoming more popular than the SAT. The primary reasons are that the ACT is only 3 hours long (the SAT is 4 plus hours) and has no penalty for errors. The Real ACT is the most important book you can buy for the ACT. It is written by the test makers and it has actual questions in it. There is always a significant advantage in using released copies of the real exam.
McGraw-Hill’s ACT book focuses on the question types and problem solving skills you need to ace the ACT. Students not familiar with the ACT will find the question explanations on target and easy to follow and learn.